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Apresentação / Presentation / Präsentation

Verfasst: Samstag 20. Mai 2017, 16:46
von Leonardo Sokolovicz
Olá amigos!
Esta é minha primeira postagem no fórum, então vou me apresentar e mostrar um pouco do meu trabalho.
Sou Brasileiro e estive participando do encontro em Olbernhau, fiquei muito feliz em ser convidado a participar deste fórum, agradeço a receptividade que tivemos em seu país.
Trabalho com tornearia em madeira a 6 anos, fui incentivado por meu avô, que era torneiro mecânico e juntos montamos o torno que trabalho até hoje, algumas das ferramentas que tenho também foram feitas com a ajuda dele.
Atualmente sou estudante de arquitetura e tenho uma marcenaria onde fabrico móveis e utensílios em madeira.
Peço desculpas pela tradução, mas prometo aprender um pouco de Alemão!

Hello friends!
    This is my first post in the forum, so I'll introduce myself and show you some of my work.
I am Brazilian and I was attending the meeting in Olbernhau, I was very happy to be invited to participate in this forum, thank you for the receptivity we had in your country.
    Working with a 6-year-old wood turning, I was encouraged by my grandfather, who was a mechanical turner and together we set up the lathe that I work to this day, some of the tools I have also made with his help.
    At the moment I am student of architecture and I have a joinery where I manufacture furniture and utensils in wood.
    I apologize for the translation, but I promise to learn a little German!

Hallo Freunde!
Dies ist meine erste Post im Forum, also werde ich mich vorstellen und dir etwas von meiner Arbeit zeigen.
Ich bin Brasilianer und ich war dabei, das Treffen in Olbernhau zu besuchen. Ich war sehr glücklich, eingeladen zu werden, an diesem Forum teilzunehmen, danke für die Empfänglichkeit, die wir in deinem Land hatten.
Als ich mit einem 6-jährigen Holzdrehen arbeitete, wurde ich von meinem Großvater ermutigt, der ein mechanischer Wender war und gemeinsam haben wir die Drehbank eingerichtet, die ich bis heute arbeite, einige der Werkzeuge, die ich auch mit seiner Hilfe gemacht habe.
Im Moment bin ich Student der Architektur und ich habe eine Tischlerei, wo ich Möbel und Utensilien in Holz herstelle.
Ich entschuldige mich für die Übersetzung, aber ich verspreche, ein bisschen Deutsch zu lernen!

Re: Apresentação / Presentation / Präsentation

Verfasst: Samstag 20. Mai 2017, 19:39
von joschone
Hallo Leonardo
herzlich willkommen im Blauen Forum! :welcome:
Die ersten beiden Gefässe sind traumhaft! :Pokal: :Pokal:

Re: Apresentação / Presentation / Präsentation

Verfasst: Samstag 20. Mai 2017, 19:57
von Schaber
Olá Leonardo,
that´s really great stuff!!!
:.: :.: :.:
Greetings from Soest

Re: Apresentação / Presentation / Präsentation

Verfasst: Samstag 20. Mai 2017, 20:40
von Hajo
Hello Leonardo,
great work - go your own way further on. Don`t worry about your German. All Members here understand an International language named WOOD. Okay some of us only understand a dialect we called Maserholz :-D
Allzeit gut Span
Keep the wood chips on the fly :lol:

Re: Apresentação / Presentation / Präsentation

Verfasst: Samstag 20. Mai 2017, 21:01
von Touchma
Dear Leonardo,

Welcome here and many thanks for showing us some of your works, they look great!

Looking forward to seeing more of your works.

Re: Apresentação / Presentation / Präsentation

Verfasst: Sonntag 21. Mai 2017, 11:59
von c.w.
Hallo Leonardo
willkommen im Forum.
tolle Arbeiten die Du hier zeigst.
bin gespannt auf weitere Fotos deiner arbeiten.

liebe grüße christine

Re: Apresentação / Presentation / Präsentation

Verfasst: Sonntag 21. Mai 2017, 14:38
von Frank Löneke
Moin Leonardo.

Sehr kreative Arbeiten! :respekt:

Re: Apresentação / Presentation / Präsentation

Verfasst: Montag 22. Mai 2017, 14:36
von Leonardo Sokolovicz
Olá a todos!
Obrigado pela receptividade, fico muito feliz que gostaram dos meus trabalhos, certamente nos entenderemos na linguagem da madeira!
:danke: :danke:
É uma grande honra compartilhar, aprecio muito os trabalhos de vocês!

Hello everyone!
Thanks for the receptivity, I am very happy that they liked my work, we will certainly understand each other in the language of wood!
:danke: :danke:
It's a great honor to share, I really appreciate your work!

Re: Apresentação / Presentation / Präsentation

Verfasst: Montag 22. Mai 2017, 15:23
von andreas d.
Hello Leonardo,

I wasn' t in Olberhau and when I see your pictures I' m fascinated about your work. You are making excellent and unusual Objekts. That' s great.
Thank you for showing us these pictures.

Nice greetings

Re: Apresentação / Presentation / Präsentation

Verfasst: Dienstag 23. Mai 2017, 20:54
von Norweger
:.: :.: :.: